Welcome to our AP US class blog! We will cover the inception of the United States, the building of this nation by founding fathers and mothers, and the trials, tribulations and triumphs leading Americans up to present day. Our blog will serve to keep us up to date on assignments, as a forum for survey and discussion, and as a launching pad to the rest of the web which will help aid our research as historians. Enjoy!

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Due Thursday Nov. 1

Good to be back in action following the power outage!

1. Shannon will present on Degler 4.1, for real. Read it.
2. Complete your webquests, to be turned in.
3. Get a jump on your assigned Revolution battle (Fri.) & work on flash cards (Sat.).

For Friday, we are creating a timeline of the battles of the American Revolution to be displayed in our classroom! It will be picking up where we left off after the signing of the Declaration and carrying us through the Treaty of Paris.

Your assignment is to create an 8.5" by 11" visual. It should include, prominently displayed, the name of your battle(s) and the date(s). It should have a graphic component, so either something you draw or print out having to do with the battle or its leaders. Finally, it should have a short summary of what happened that is historically significant.

You have creative license to expand upon these guidelines if you would like (eg. Yorktown & Treaty of Paris could do 2 visuals if it's easier to split them), but it should have at least the bare minimum described above. Think about using Google Docs so you can work on it together from 2 different locations! You must use scholarly sources but you do not need to create a bibliography.

Campaigns in NY & NJ, NYC: Lawrence, Feingold
Trenton & Princeton: Alvino, Quarrier
Philadelphia, Brandywine & Germantown: Abbott, Bashey
Saratoga: O'Brien, Gordon
Charleston, Camden, Cowpens: Levenson, Ghiasuddin, Loh
Yorktown & Treaty of Paris: Skinner, Grieve

Notes from today:

Friday, October 26, 2012

Due Monday Oct. 29th

*Remember that your recitation is due by lunch Saturday!

1. Please read and take notes pp. 163-168.
2. Actively read The Declaration of Independence (you have the print out).
3. Skim Degler 4.1 for Shannon's presentation!

Looking ahead, you will likely have a quiz on the Revolutionary Era through 1776 on Thursday.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Due Friday Oct. 26th

*Don't forget the extra credit opportunity available to you- prepare a thoughtful question for guest speak alumnus Will Kinzel '92, assistant to John Boehner, to ask during school meeting.

1. Read and take notes pp. 152-159.
2. Actively read the remainder of Common Sense.

Notes from today:

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Due Thursday Oct. 25th

1. For those of you with extensions: 7 Years' War paper due.
2. Read and take notes pp. 150-152 stopping before "The Boston Massacre."
3. Actively read just the first page of Common Sense (you have a print out).
4. Read Degler 3.4 in preparation for Gordon's presentation.
* Explore "Coming of the Revolution!"

Notes from today:

Monday, October 22, 2012

Due Wednesday Oct. 24th

Your papers on the French & Indian War are due, unless I hear from you otherwise stating why an extension until Thursday is necessary. If you wish to meet about your draft between now and then, please contact me to set up a time.

In class, be prepared to discuss the rest of "Join or Die"/"Don't Tread on Me," James Otis's 1761 Writs of Assistance, the Proclamation of 1763, Molasses & Sugar Acts, Quartering Act, Stamp Act (& Repeal), Declaratory Act, Townshend Acts & the Sons & Daughters of Liberty. We will discuss Henry's "Give Me Liberty..." and preview Common Sense.

For those of you who like accompanying auditory clips, check out this recitation of Patrick Henry's speech (scroll to the bottom).

Friday, October 19, 2012

Due Monday Oct. 22nd

1. Make sure your "Join or Die" worksheet from class is complete. We will finish discussing it on Monday, after which point I will collect it for a grade.
2. Actively read Patrick Henry's "Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death" (you have a print out).
3. Here is the introduction to a post-French & Indian War paper assignment, due Wednesday. Get started!

Notes from today:

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Due Friday Oct. 19th

1. Third installment of flashcards!
2. Degler 3.1, 3.2, 3.3.

Here are notes from today:

Monday, October 15, 2012

Due Wednesday & Thursday Oct. 17th/18th

Wednesday: No class due to the PSATs. Read and take notes starting on page 137 with "The Joys of Being English" through page 146 stopping before "The Beginning of Colonial Resistance."

Thursday: Degler presentations on 2.7 (Quarrier) and 3.1 (Skinner). Read and take notes picking up on page 146 through page 150 stopping before "The Resistance Organizes."

Friday, October 12, 2012

Due Monday Oct. 15th

1. Study for Part II of test (matching and short answer).
2. Read Degler 2.6 to prepare for Rachel Loh's presentation.
3. Make sure you check "looking ahead" so you have an idea of what to expect!

*Reminder that DBQ essays are due to my faculty room mailbox over the weekend.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Due Friday Oct. 12th

1. Study for test.
2. DBQ essays due to my faculty room mailbox by 12 noon Saturday.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Due Thursday Oct. 11th

1. Finish your DBQ essays to be submitted Friday at the start of class.
2. Read Degler 2.3 (Grieve), 2.4 (Lawrence) and 2.5 (Levenson). They WILL have discussion questions for you, so please DO read and prepare to chat about the content.
3. Notes are due on pp. 124-127.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Due Monday Oct. 8th

Please read this Examiner article on Glenn Beck's attitude towards the institution of slavery, and make sure to listen to the 4 minute audio clip to help you better understand the opinion piece (slavery comes up around 2:30, be patient, it will help to have the context).

Using the "comment" function on this post, please answer the following questions in a minimum of two paragraphs (3-5 complete sentences per pgh). It will be graded out of 15 points.
  • Based on what you have learned, do you think slavery "started with seemingly innocent ideas?" If so, did it ever lose its innocence? When?
  • Do you think that health care reform is reintroducing the institution of slavery to the U.S.? If so, do you see a parallel between the beginning of slavery in the Atlantic slave trade and Beck's idea of slavery today?

*In addition, please actively read the 2 handouts you have on how to write a AP US DBQ. This will prepare you for your discussion and practice DBQ with Mr. Latham. 

In-Class Week of Oct. 1st

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Due Friday Oct. 5th

1. Finish notes on pp. 360-368 if you have not already.
2. Round 2 of flash cards due tomorrow.
3. Make sure you have read Degler 2.2 for Emma's presentation.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Due Thursday Oct. 4th

1. The New York, New Jersey & Georgia groups will present.
2. We will hear from Emma about Degler 2.2.
3. Read and take brief notes pp. 360-368- remind me to check them tomorrow!

*Watch the presidential debates and make Graham a birthday card!

Monday, October 1, 2012

Due Wednesday Oct. 3rd

1. The Carolinas & Pennsylvania groups will present. The other 2 will go Thursday.
2. Read and take notes starting on page 121 starting with "Slave Societies in the Eighteenth Century South" through page 124 ending before "Enlightenment and Awakening in America."
3. Be working on your flashcards (this should NOT be a big deal, you have 2 weeks to create 8 cards!).