Welcome to our AP US class blog! We will cover the inception of the United States, the building of this nation by founding fathers and mothers, and the trials, tribulations and triumphs leading Americans up to present day. Our blog will serve to keep us up to date on assignments, as a forum for survey and discussion, and as a launching pad to the rest of the web which will help aid our research as historians. Enjoy!

Monday, April 29, 2013

Due Wednesday May 1st

Please actively read the Tonkin Gulf Resolution and Walter Conkrite's Commentary on the Tet Offensive, both handed out to you in class. Jot down notes (bullets are fine) to all five questions found at the conclusion of each document. I will check your homework and we will discuss the docs in class!

Also, please be familiar with our class term sheet!

Interesting links:
Nixon's "Silent Majority"
Secret War in Laos
Pentagon Papers
Paris Peace Accords

Friday, April 26, 2013

Due Monday April 29th

To finish up from today, you might look over the article handed out to you in class entitled "Freedom Fighters," and especially browse over the timeline. Here also is a cool history.com interactive webpage on Stokely Carmichael and the Black Power movement- check it out!

Over the weekend, please create a Venn Diagram comparing and contrasting FDR's New Deal with L.B. Johnson's Great Society social program. In addition to Chapter 29 pp. 870-874, you may find this American Experience resource useful! You may work individually, or with one partner, and you may employ GoogleDocs or work by hand.

*Remember that we have class at 11:20 on Monday due to the revised prom schedule.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Due Friday April 26th

Tomorrow in class we will finish Civil Rights and look into JFK and Johnson's presidencies. Feel free to do any background reading on the 1960s, otherwise, please REVIEW! Use those prep books!

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Due Thursday April 25th

Make sure you have notes done on Chapter 27 in AMSCO (I will check tomorrow, forgot today), actively read the article on the Korean War Part 2 that I handed out in class, and enjoy the gorgeous weather!

*Make sure you are prepping on your own! Do some practice multiple choice as long as you are nose deep in the AMSCO book. And make sure you're signed up for the SAT II subject test- check with your parents!

Monday, April 22, 2013

Due Wednesday April 24th

Please read and take brief notes on Chapter 27 "The Eisenhower Years, 1952-1960" in your AMSCO prep book.

You are skipping over Truman and the Cold War because we are going to dominate that in class on Wednesday, so this chapter will help you fill in the gap that follows between that and our lesson on the 1960s.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Due Monday April 22nd

Study for a quiz on WWI, the New Era & Great Depression, and WWII.

Keep in mind that at this point, you should be reviewing for your upcoming AP exam in general! Hit those review books and old notes!

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Due Friday April 19th

Complete actively reading Kurt Vonnegut's "Wailing Shall be in All Streets" from Armageddon in Retrospect.

Type, in complete sentences, answers to the questions provided to you by handout earlier in the week. I will collect them for a grade!


What the Iranian president said about the Holocaust: Ahmadinejad Says Holocaust is a Lie
Questioned on it point blank by Brian Williams: Williams Interview of Ahmadinejad

Parts I, II & III of the film "Nuit et Brouillard" (Night and Fog). 

Wednesday, April 17, 2013


In class today, with your assigned group members, you will employ GoogleDoc or another online timeline or graphing tool to create a graphic and text representation of your assigned year from WWII.

The challenge is to discern what is most important about the events of that year--major battle? New charter? Pact? Alliance? Conference? Emergence of an important leader? Highlights!

Remember to emphasize U.S. involvement. If you are 1940/1941, please look at U.S. policy and attitude towards the war leading up to the bombing at Pearl Harbor.

1940: Skinner, Grieve
1941: Loh, Levenson
1942: Bashey, Quarrier
1943: Abbott, Alvino
1944: Feingold, O'Brien
1945: Lawrence, Gordon, Ghiasuddin

Monday, April 15, 2013

Due Wednesday April 16th

Wednesday: New Deal DBQ Outline. Look at your Gilded Age outline that was handed back for feedback! Have it printed out and ready to submit at the start of class.

Thursday: Have actively read Vonnegut's "Wailing Shall Be in All Streets" from his book Armageddon in Retrospect. Complete questions 1 & 2.

Friday: Complete questions 3-5, be ready to hand in all of them, typed neatly.

Here are the brief notes on regimes from today:

Friday, April 12, 2013

Due Monday April 15th

Please read and take notes beginning with "A Second New Deal" on page 740 through the end of the chapter. It is a big chunk, so please practice skimming and extracting what is most important.

For Wednesday, have completed your DBQ outlines on Roosevelt and the New Deal.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Due Friday April 12th

Please read and take notes on page 726 with the "Dirty Thirties" through page 727. Pick up again on the top of page 731 through page 740 stopping before "A Second New Deal."

Practice your skimming and extracting what is most important! Here is the film we watched excerpts from today:

Watch The Crash of 1929 on PBS. See more from American Experience.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Due Thursday April 11th

Please actively read your assigned primary document and type up answers to the questions included (you may split them up amongst your group/partner if you wish, as long as there is one answer for each question). Be prepared to present your document to the class.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Friday, April 5, 2013

Due Monday April 8th

To finish up WWI, skim and take brief notes starting on page 683 through 686, then take more thorough notes beginning with "Red Scare" through 687.

Next, using Chapter 24 and at least one outside scholarly reliable source, become an expert on your assigned topic. You must send me a minimum of one visually enriching slide to incorporate into a PowerPoint and be prepared to speak on your subject in front of the class.

Abbott: Henry Ford & the automobile
Alvino: The "New Woman- who was she?
Bashey: National Woman Suffrage Association, 19th Amendment
Feingold: National Woman's Party, Equal Rights Amendment
Ghiasuddin: Charles Lindbergh
Grieve: Movies, sports, dance, jazz
Lawrence: Marcus Garvey
Levenson: Harlem Renaissance
Loh: Sacco & Vanzetti, National Origins Act
Quarrier: Prohibition, 18th Amendment
Skinner: Fundamentalism, Darwinism & the Scopes Trial
O'Brien: KKK

Here are links to things we have discussed in class:
Joyeux Noel
Zimmerman Telegram
Wilson's 14 Points Plan

And our chart!

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Due Friday April 5th

Please read and take notes picking up on page 673 through page 679. Be working on your recitations for Saturday!

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Due Thursday April 4th

Please research and find a piece of propaganda from WWI. Print it out and bring it in, and be an expert on the meaning behind your visual.
  • Who produced it? When and where?
  • Who did it target? What is the message?
  • What is the symbolism of the imagery?
In addition, in your Davidson textbook, please read and take notes starting on page 667 with "The Road to War" through page 673 stopping before "War and Society."