Welcome to our AP US class blog! We will cover the inception of the United States, the building of this nation by founding fathers and mothers, and the trials, tribulations and triumphs leading Americans up to present day. Our blog will serve to keep us up to date on assignments, as a forum for survey and discussion, and as a launching pad to the rest of the web which will help aid our research as historians. Enjoy!

Monday, April 15, 2013

Due Wednesday April 16th

Wednesday: New Deal DBQ Outline. Look at your Gilded Age outline that was handed back for feedback! Have it printed out and ready to submit at the start of class.

Thursday: Have actively read Vonnegut's "Wailing Shall Be in All Streets" from his book Armageddon in Retrospect. Complete questions 1 & 2.

Friday: Complete questions 3-5, be ready to hand in all of them, typed neatly.

Here are the brief notes on regimes from today:

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