Welcome to our AP US class blog! We will cover the inception of the United States, the building of this nation by founding fathers and mothers, and the trials, tribulations and triumphs leading Americans up to present day. Our blog will serve to keep us up to date on assignments, as a forum for survey and discussion, and as a launching pad to the rest of the web which will help aid our research as historians. Enjoy!

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Due Thursday April 25th

Make sure you have notes done on Chapter 27 in AMSCO (I will check tomorrow, forgot today), actively read the article on the Korean War Part 2 that I handed out in class, and enjoy the gorgeous weather!

*Make sure you are prepping on your own! Do some practice multiple choice as long as you are nose deep in the AMSCO book. And make sure you're signed up for the SAT II subject test- check with your parents!

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